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17 декабря 2012 г.  19:02

The euro printed a fresh 7-month high

The euro printed a fresh 7-month high at 1.3189 in early trading as investors priced in the various events of the weekend. The LDP party won the Japanese general election with about 2/3 of the seats, meaning the lower house will not require the Diet's upper house for legislation approval of its coming agressive policies to tackle deflation. China’s Central Economic Work Conference statement didn't say anything about pro-growth initiatives, but Chinese Xinhua news agency is reporting that the government will loosen monetary policy in 2013.
Also pro-risk trading is news coming from the US that House Republicans may be willing to agree to higher taxes for millionaires after Boehner's statement in favor of raising taxes to above $1 Million incomes from 35% to 39.6% in order to help solving the 2013 budget crisis a.k.a. “fiscal cliff”.

Курсы валют ЦБ РФ

USD01.0973.80 -0.83%
EUR01.0987.83 -0.92%

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